Design of Orsolina small hydropower plant

Borca di Cadore, BL, Italia

Structure Plan of Babil Governorate

Babil Governorate, Iraq

Renewable energy

Design of Orsolina small hydropower plant

The project area is a mountainous region in northern Italy with high landscape and environmental value The project concerns the realization of a small hydropower plant located at 1365 m a.s.l., along the river Orsolina. The water is conveyed through…

Territorial Planning and Civil Engineering

Construction Supervision and Health and Safety Coordination during the works for the realization of the new operative block, of the new radiology, of the new first aid, of the new resuscitation, of the new technological stations and of the new accesses of Feltre provincial hospital

The works concerned the construction of civil works, mechanical systems, electrical and special systems for the construction of new buildings intended forNew accesses; New operating unit – New resuscitation unit – New first aid unit; New technological center for the…

Territorial Planning and Civil Engineering

Structure Plan of Babil Governorate

The objective of the plan is to deliver to the Ministry, to the regional authorities and to the people, a tool capable to guide the development of the region in the fore coming thirty years. The plan focuses mainly on…